Sunday, January 7, 2024

Moving Image Regions with Python, Tkinter and OpenCV


Imagine having a tool that allows you to interactively delete specific regions of an image with just a few clicks. This Python and Tkinter application empowers users to open an image, draw rectangles around unwanted regions, and seamlessly delete or relocate them. This technical documentation provides an insight into the functionality of each method, shedding light on how this program achieves its remarkable image manipulation capabilities.

Feature Highlights

Open Image: The application starts by prompting the user to open an image file. The selected image is loaded using OpenCV, ensuring compatibility with various image formats.

Draw Rectangles: Users can draw rectangles on the image canvas by clicking and dragging. These rectangles define the regions to be manipulated.

Move and Delete: The application introduces an innovative approach to both moving and deleting image regions. When the user holds the Shift key and clicks, the selected region becomes interactive, allowing effortless relocation. Additionally, the program enables the deletion of unwanted regions, providing a dynamic and user-friendly experience.

Method Breakdown


This method is responsible for opening a file dialog, allowing users to select an image file. Once an image is selected, it is loaded using OpenCV, and the display_image method is called to present it on the Tkinter canvas.


The display_image method converts the image from BGR to RGB format and creates a Tkinter PhotoImage object. This image is then displayed on the canvas, ensuring correct dimensions and preventing garbage collection.


This method is triggered when the user holds the Shift key and clicks, activating the cursor for moving rectangles or images. It adds the 'selected' tag to the current canvas item.


The activate_cursor method sets the cursor in motion, binding it to the movement of rectangles or images. When the user releases the mouse button, the deselect method is called.


The deselect method removes the 'selected' tag, deactivating the cursor. It rebinds the canvas to the initial event handlers, allowing the user to draw rectangles or select regions.


The move_rect method handles the movement of rectangles or images. If a rectangle is selected, it is moved using the coords method. If an image is selected, the program calculates the displacement and moves the canvas item accordingly.

on_button_press, on_move_press, on_button_release

These methods respond to mouse events. on_button_press initializes the drawing of rectangles, on_move_press captures the drawn region, and on_button_release finalizes the process.


In essence, this Python and Tkinter application serves as an interactive image manipulation tool, allowing users to draw, move, and delete specific regions effortlessly. By leveraging OpenCV and Tkinter, it provides a robust platform for customizing and extending image processing projects. Whether you're a developer exploring image manipulation or an enthusiast seeking a powerful yet accessible tool, this program opens the door to a world of possibilities.

The source code can be downloaded at my patreon shop.

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